A brighter candle to burn..

I was on a short trip the last few days to Washington DC for work stuff.  As I was riding in the truck back from DC, an analogy to my life and candles came to me.  I thought of the relation between our lives when they’re broken and all hope seems to be gone, to a candle burnt down to the wick.  It’s pretty much the same concept.  If you continue to burn the candle it will go out and be gone melted away to nothing.  If you decide to rebuild the candle it can be saved.  It’s like saying, yes, I’m broken but I have a choice to rebuild, pick myself up off the ground like putting a wick back into the wax and forming a new candle.  The candle might be different but there’s a good chance it will burn brighter:)

God Bless!


A brighter candle to burn..

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