Walking it out!

It’s easy to talk about all the positive things and how nice it is to think positive thoughts, but sometimes the reality is that everything isn’t always happy  nor is it easy to stay focused when you’re in the midst of a hard situation.  I guess the fortunate part of the rest of the story is that if one doesn’t go through some hard or uncomfortable circumstances, it would be very difficult to grow as a person.

Most of us have cried out and asked at some point in our lives, “WHY ME?” Truthfully, the answer is almost always the same, generally speaking, we have all made choices, good or bad, that put us in the position we find ourselves in that now we must extricate ourselves from.  I believe this is where trust, faith and hope are imperative.  Sometimes things that seem very wrong happen but if we look back we realize without that situation, another better circumstance couldn’t have been reached.  Conversely, sometimes  we make a decision that seems very right at the time and find that it was the wrong choice.

My mom has a saying and it’s a lesson I am finally starting to learn – “most things are not do or die”.  When I start feeling anxious and that I’ve got to hurry up and do…something…I’m finally learning to take a moment and evaluate WHY.  Why am I anxious; what is the immediate reaction to this decision; what is the long-term affect; who/what else does this decision affect? Most things are not do or die and overall, NOT stopping for a minute and actually looking at each situation is when hurtful decisions are made and our journey to the best life God has for us is Hi-Jacked.

The good news is, no matter how off track we get, God always has our best life in mind and in a heartbeat we can turn our lives around – trust, faith and hope.  We must also be teachable and willing to admit when we are wrong, need help or need to make a change.  For me, even today, I had to grow up, so to speak, and face an uncomfortable situation that I knew was not right for me. I did it! Part of my journey back to wellness means trying to appease or please someone else even if I know something is wrong for me is no longer acceptable in my life – I first must be true to God and then myself if I am going to be the best person I can be!

God bless!


Walking it out!

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