Choose to trust your instincts!

Have you ever wondered why we second guess ourselves sometimes when we know we should folllow our hearts?  So many times I’ve known in my heart that I should make a decision one way or the other and ended up not trusting my own self.  This is where I find myself making the wrong choices and knowing in the end I should have trusted my own instincts.  I believe God gave us the ability to make decisions from that feeling inside that leads us into daily life and choices. I know personally trusting  myself is so very crucial in this life.  We are faced daily with so many choices if we don’t decide to believe in ourselves we are not really being true to ourselves.  Being true to oneself is so important – no matter how bad you want to please everyone else, you must take care of you first.  Yes, sometimes that means being assertive and looking out for your best interest; ultimately, as hard as it is to accept sometimes, taking care of yourself first is the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you.

So next time I’m faced with a tough decision. as little or as big as simply putting these words down in my blog, I know I must follow my heart and do what’s best for me.  It’s really easy to get caught up in following everyone else’s lead in life but you yourself are the only one who truly knows what’s best for you.  Everyone will have their opinion, and trust me, I know how easy it is sometimes to take the advice of others.  At the end of the day you are in control and I am in control of the outcome of our own lives.  We each have a seperate journey and doing the best we can to be the best we can be is probably the greatest gift to ourselves.

I also feel taking time to be patient with our decisions and feel confident in the direction we want our lives to go is so important.  Great things don’t always happen over night but with patience, trust, and persistancy we can choose our destinies.

God Bless!



Choose to trust your instincts!

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