Get up and move!

I am happy to say now that I’m over the bronchitis I had I am finally able to get back out and move!  I forgot how good it feels even just doing twenty five minutes of walking and how it really brings joy to you.  I can’t stress enough that the best medication for overall well being, mentally and physically is just getting out and moving.  I know for myself that in order to keep on a happy healthy path I must get those endorphins going!  I believe exercise is better than any type of medication to just get you feeling happy and at peace.

Exercise can really get your mind and body in check and help you start your day with a smile.  The hardest part is actually just getting started but once you begin it’s like you can’t get enough.  Within about thirty minutes after taking a nice long walk you can feel a little pep in your step.  Our bodies and minds can produce so many good feelings just by getting the engine started, so to speak.  So today, again, I’m reminded in order for me to keep on this happy healthy path, exercise is a mandatory part of my healing.  I’ve known this for years and every counselor I’ve ever had has agreed – I need to workout in order to get that peace of mind.

Obviously we all know there are so many benefits to working out but I’m telling you for mental well being it’s number one coupled with rest.  And good news, working out helps you sleep better too!  So I vow to get at least thirty minutes in a day as I find, yet again, it puts my mind at ease and helps me handle the day in such a better way.  So my advice to you is just put one foot in front of the other and go breath some fresh air for at least twenty minutes!  You will find that your day goes so much smoother and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it is also rewarding!

God Bless


Get up and move!

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