When the tide finally turns!

So many times we keep on keeping on hoping that one day we will feel the rewards of our choices and daily grind.  We wait patiently believing things will change and we will feel the joy that once was in our life.  We don’t quit, we stand firm in our decisions believing that eventually the tide will turn!  I’m here to tell you that for me it finally came. Did much really change? No.  But my perspective changed which ultimately changed how I feel and is bringing happiness back to my life.  The one major thing that I was missing was hope for the future and a peace with what I’m doing.  I started believing in what I’m doing and realizing there is so much to where I’m going, I am truly blessed!  The answers again found me as I’ve said in the past, when you trust God and keep walking even when sometimes the road seems bleak, you will find your way.  So as I sit here today is everything perfect? No.  However, I am happy again, I have so many great things in the works for my company, and I know what I’m doing is going to be a success.  That for me is such a relief as I personally hate failing and like to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you yourself are walking day to day wondering what’s going to happen and how things could possibly change, remember – they will – and you must have faith!  A shift in just the smallest direction can change your entire life.  Those answers that you seek will come if you just don’t quit.  I am living proof that no matter how deep you’ve dug yourself into a ditch you can climb out and get your life back.  When I look at my life and where I was even just six months ago it’s shocking the changes I’ve made for my well being.  I was so empty and lost before with little hope for the future or why I was even still alive.  I now understand I, too, have a purpose in this world and I’m so thankful I finally decided to look forward to the days instead of dreading the sun coming up.  Life isn’t always easy but it can be a beautiful thing.  We all have struggles, we all have bills to pay and stress in our lives, but we are blessed to be here and we must not take that for granted.

Today I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends, my beautiful daughter who loves me through thick and thin.  My healthy direction in my life and the stability to live a good life.  As I breath the fresh air of a new direction I am thanking God for every minute I’m alive, healthy, and ok.  Like I’ve said before, it’s easy to forget how far we’ve come and the struggle it took to get there.  I will never forget the fight and the journey I’ve traveled good, bad, or indifferent to get back to myself and live a good life.

God Bless



When the tide finally turns!

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