The power of words!

Just like the law of gravity there is a spiritual law of attraction.  Many times we forget the real power in our spoken words.  I truly believe  what you speak into existence becomes reality.  If you constantly are saying out loud, I don’t feel well, or I can’t do it, the reality usually follows and what you say becomes your truth.  The beautiful thing is that you can change what comes out of your mouth and begin to speak positively no matter what it looks like in the physical.  Start saying I feel great, I’m blessed, I can do it and you will be shocked at the transformation this brings.  Half the battle is believing and what you say out of your mouth is what your mind perceives  as reality.  Whatever you decide to confirm to yourself is ultimately what your mind will believe.  So as you start replacing the negative thoughts and affirmations with positive healthy things you will begin changing the outcome of each situation.  The battle truly is in the mind and how you feel, your personal accomplishments, all start with what you perceive in your mind.  Nothing in this world was created without it first being a thought.

With that being said I also believe it’s important to put things down on paper.  Writing out your goals and dreams helps you begin to visualize them happening.  As I’ve said in the past also writing a list of the things you are grateful for puts things into perspective.  When you set goals and start visualizing them happening it’s amazing how you bring your dreams into existence.  As each thought comes to mind, good or bad, the self defeating thoughts and the negative thoughts need to be replaced immediately with something positive.  This is something that takes practice and is part of what I’ve talked about previously, mindfulness.  Your mind, just like everything else in this world, is something you have to consciously monitor.  If you let yourself get caught up in negative things it’s like a cancer that spreads quickly.  You will be surprised at the peace you find when you master the skill of shutting those thoughts down and focusing on positive things.

The power of what you say and the spoken word is the concrete foundation to the beginning of good or bad things.  When you begin speaking success, happiness, health, you will begin to see the transformation.  We’ve all had those friends that constantly speak negatively who are, as I call them, “Energy Vampires”.  Often what they say starts chipping away at us and eventually brings us down.  Just as your own words are important, it’s important to surround yourself with healthy positive people.  As we all know being around a negative person can completely drag you down and rob you of your own happiness.  As we go forward let’s work on focusing on positive healthy outcomes and start speaking our dreams into our realities!

God Bless



The power of words!

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