Change your focus!

Sometimes we don’t realize how capable we truly are.  We let our minds stop us from our full potential and get stuck in the rut of “can’t do’s”.  This is the time you have to realize you can truly do so much more than your mind wants you to believe.  The hardest thing to get past is the focus of your mind.  Seeing yourself breaking through that barrier is just like breaking boards in martial arts.  If you get stuck on the fact that you are hitting a hard piece of wood instead of seeing yourself breaking through the wood, you will get hurt.  Your mind sees the wood and puts up the red flag making you believe it’s impossible to push through it.  With focus and determination you can break through!

So it’s time to start changing your focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t do.  Everything in life, as I’ve said before, all boils down to perspective.  The minute you let doubt get ahold of your thoughts you are more than likely going to fail.  It’s so important to focus your thoughts and mind on going past what you may think is possible.  Believe in yourself, see yourself breaking through your barriers and reaching your goals.  I can’t stress enough the power of visualization.  If you can’t see it and believe it’s possible, odds are you will be stopped in your tracks.  This goes for personal progress, weight loss, depression, addiction, whatever it is that’s holding you back!

As we move forward to the best lives ever, lets dream bigger, focus on progress and achieve the impossible!

God Bless



Change your focus!

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