Let it go!

There are so many things in life that we struggle with on a daily basis to change or fix and sometimes it truly takes just giving it to God and letting go.  The times that we think everything is in our control and we can make things happen we often times find ourselves not being able to figure out the answer.  Last night as I was laying in bed and it hit me the verse, “Having done all, I stand”.  There is only so much we can do on our own and ultimately we have to realize most things are out of our control.  When you finally realize you have to hand it over to God and allow him to work, the struggle with yourself becomes much easier to handle.  We tightly clinch onto the things we want to fix and try with everything in us to figure out a solution or a way.  Sometimes you just need to accept that all things will work out and you have to realize you can’t do it all on your own.  There is a reason for prayer and a reason for things to happen in the order they do.  If we got all of our prayers answered and our wishes granted just the way we like, we would miss the lesson and the walk it took to get there.  The older I get the more I’m seeing why things happen the way they do and the “steps”  are for a certain reason.  If one step is missing this could change the entire outcome of the future and the importance of the wait to get there.

As strong as we may think we are and our own ability to make things happen, we cannot always see what’s to come and why certain things happen the way they do.  It could be we are not ready to handle something or there needs to be more understanding.  It could be we need to be humbled or just learn some kind of lesson.  Whatever the case may be there is a reason, I believe, for the way things happen. When we trust in God that he has our back then it makes everything so much easier.  Understand that you are not alone and it’s ok to reach out your hand and ask for help.

So as your trying to accomplish “this or that”, remember you are not alone, it’s ok to ask for help, and trust that you will get there.   We are not meant to carry everything on our own backs and whatever you are struggling with personally – there is an answer.  Give yourself a break and hand it over to God and ultimately your prayers will be answered.

God Bless



Let it go!

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