Live up to your word, to yourself..

So many times we make promises to ourselves and forget the importance of being true to our word.  Most of us value being honest with others, living up to our word, but do you live up to your word with yourself?  I think we sometimes forget the importance of this and the toll it really takes on us when we let ourselves down.  Letting other people down is tough enough and takes a toll, but letting yourself down, I believe, takes an even deeper toll.  If the one person you can’t even trust is yourself, that’s scary.  I’m not saying I haven’t been there because, trust me, I have.  I’m saying this is as important as anything because, at the end of the day, you have to face yourself.  Knowing you’re being honest with yourself is a very freeing feeling.  When you make yourself a promise, live up to it.  Nothings worse than feeling like you let yourself down.

This goes along with being true to you!  Doing what is best for yourself and valuing yourself enough to take care of you also means being honest with you.  You have to be able to count on yourself when you make a decision and follow through.  Its such a great feeling when you set your mind to something, make a promise to yourself, and go for it! On the contrary it’s also very disappointing when you let yourself down.  There’s a sense of freedom living up to your word with yourself and others and I believe you owe it to yourself to be honest and true with you!

God Bless


Live up to your word, to yourself..

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