Keep unhealthy thoughts captive!

If you start thinking of negative thoughts as little pests that just need to be shut down you begin to realize that, just like everything in life, you must take control and squash them!  Get them captive and as soon as they try to get your mind off track, literally envision  smashing them with your foot, don’t give any attention to them!  This takes practice, but eventually you will master the skill of ignoring, refusing to get upset, and just down right not giving any credit to the BS.  When I say BS we all know this can come in many forms.  Could be your own thoughts, could be the opinions of the peanut gallery; doesn’t really matter – if it isn’t positive forget it!  Refuse to spend any of your time thinking about it and squash it.  What will be will be and do you honestly care what someone who is a negative person, whose opinion is skewed anyway, thinks?  Consider the source!

Remember everyone has their own opinion – that doesn’t mean their opinion is correct or accurate.  Learn to laugh at yourself and remember if they’re talking about you, you must be important! Even bad publicity is publicity!   Chances are when others are speaking negative about you they have more issues than you can imagine.  Obviously you made an impression on them, good or bad, because they are spending time discussing you, so let them waste their time!  You, on the other hand, can choose to rise above this and let them make fools of themselves.  Why give them any fuel for their fire?  I promise you, they will let their own fire burn out and the more you ignore and refuse to allow them to get to you, the more power you have in being a confident person.  With, by the way, no regrets.  Small people talk bad about other people.  Be the bigger, stronger, wiser person!  It will pay off in the long run!

Keep those negative harmful thoughts captive and when they try to sneak back in and get you down, squash them!!! Don’t ever let anyone or anything have control over the way you feel.  No matter what anyone thinks you know the truth and you don’t have to accept or let this nonsense get you down!

God Bless


Keep unhealthy thoughts captive!

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