One step at a time!

How do you eat an Elephant?  One bite at a time!! This analogy to life couldn’t be more true.  For example, you have a huge project to get done and the deadline is getting closer and closer.  When you focus on the entire project chances are you will get overwhelmed and the potential to freeze up is pretty high.  On the other hand, when you look at the small steps to get whatever it is completed, it will seem easier. The funny thing about life and perception is…that’s all it is!  Perception.  Whatever you perceive as real is your reality.  Just like when you’re trying to climb a mountain, if you keep focusing on the top it seems like an impossible task.  Yet, if you focus on one step-one minute at a time before you know it, you made it to the top and are looking back in awe at how far you came.

We are only humans and everything we do started with one step.  If you can get your mind to stay in the present moment and remember, you can step, you will make it.  It’s when you start trying to leap you get caught in fear.  Take it slow!  Nothing in life that’s rushed usually works out well.  If you’re rushing you probably will miss a step and I personally can’t stand to be rushed.  Give yourself a break, trust the process and breathe.  Take each day, one step at a time and don’t let the fear of the unknown or the past get to you.  You will get wherever it is you want to if you just don’t quit.  I promise you, when you take your time, trust and have faith all things will work out!  So, as a reminder, stop worrying about the things you can’t control anyway.  Most things in this life aren’t life or death and when they are it’s usually out of your control anyway.  Do the best you can, stay in the moment and trust something bigger than yourself!

God Bless

One step at a time!

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