Stop and Smell the Roses, Please!

Tonight it occurred to me that most issues in life can somehow be attributed to someone or something moving too fast.  Rushed decisions, rushed actions, in too big of a hurry to pay attention, in one way or another, most mistakes in life are because someone was going too fast.  I truly believe that, in this world of “Now”, people are failing to take their time or focus on what they’re doing; we are in our cars going too fast, on our phones, not paying attention, too busy to really listen to our children, everything is in such a fast pace, without slowing down to really see what’s going on, steps are being missed.  One of the biggest thing’s I can say I’ve learned throughout the last year of my life is taking things one step at a time.  I used to be the girl that was in such a hurry all the time that I didn’t have time to think.  Quick fixes and short cuts became a way of life for me and I’m here to tell you it didn’t end well!  For a while I kept up with living in the chaotic state of rushed – but with everything moving too quickly there will be repercussions.  It might not be devastating repercussions  for everyone, but for me it was.  I was forced to slow down and put things into perspective. I learned to take my time, I’m not talking about slowing down to a snail pace, I’m talking about living life in a pro-active pace where instead of constantly reacting to decisions I previously made, I am now pro-active.  Instead of skipping three steps to get to the end result faster, I began taking one step at a time to get to a good end result.

I feel like this is crucial in every aspect of our lives.  It’s a simple order of operations that unless step one and two are done, you can’t jump to three.  When you do skip steps you miss things, lose things, forget things, and end up starting back at step one anyway.  That’s what I call unproductive.  It’s ok to take a moment to think, breath, digest and interpret the things you and I are faced with on a daily basis.  I promise you this, when you begin to practice mindfulness, planning ahead as best as possible and living in a state of productivity instead of panic, you will soon find things start smoothing out and your life becomes a peaceful place to live.  Decide to take your life on one step at a time in a productive and proactive way instead of a reactive chaotic panic and soon you will be faced with the peace that everything’s like a fine tuned machine.  You will soon find yourself looking for things to worry about because, all the sudden, your life will be in order.

I dream of the day people decide to LIVE instead of live on social media.  Take time to think, take time to enjoy the moments instead of being in such a hurry to blast on all five different social media aps they have on their phone.  I may be old school but that’s ok with me.  I miss old school.  I miss the days when listening to music and processing the day was the only choice.  I miss when friends actually looked at you when they talked to you and their faces weren’t stuck in their IPhones.  I’ve been guilty of letting social media take over my thoughts and life,  but no more!  I’m living my life and when I get to it, I share my precious memories.  I’m not judging anyone and I’m sure there’s been a time when you miss the good old day’s as well.

God Bless


Stop and Smell the Roses, Please!