Old Boots, New Dirt!

Just when you think you’ve made it, just when you get to the top of the mountain and the fight you’ve been fighting for a long-hard-many-years is finally over and stops…. What now… Have you ever even known what it felt like to not have to fight with every ounce of will in your person just to get up and face another day? When, from day one, you weren’t even given a choice to just be?  When the storm ends and you look around and everything is ok, well…then what?  Who are you now, all the sudden, after the fight ends?  Oh wait – this is where things start getting challenging… oh boy, here we go again you think! Then, suddenly you realize; instead of being condemned to fight the same old fight again, you are given the choice…CHOOSE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

STOP!  You were not made to suffer forever and never know what it feels like to be ok and to have true peace.  But if you’ve never had it before, how are you supposed to know what to do?  Guess what?! That’s the POINT!  Life is about living and learning and the wisdom we get every day from one another and, most importantly, if we choose to listen, the wisdom in our hearts, which I believe is from God.  I have many reasons to believe in God and His presence in my life, none of which have anything to do with some religious group or organized place.  I was 5 years old when I realized I needed God in my heart to get through what was coming next in my childhood and to prepare me to be strong no matter what – I was in the car with my mom and she was basically letting me know, no matter what happened next, I would be ok.

With that being said, I could have never imagined the wild journey I was going to face.  Guess what, OH WELL! That’s life! When you decide to accept that and believe in something other than worldly things, life gets better.  So today many of my prayers have been answered and I’m learning as I go.  Kaitlyn is spending the night tonight and most people can’t imagine what that means to me.   Again, if people would decide to walk gently in other people’s lives, not knowing the full story, they might decide to be kinder and more compassionate.  My story isn’t yours and my heartaches aren’t your burden.  I’m here to tell you at the end of the day, when you lay down at night, there is a God and a reason to be thankful for each and every chance you get to wake up and see the sun rise.  I’m again humbled and reminded that I don’t have to live in fear and suffering no matter what yesterday looked like.  It is a choice; sometimes you can’t control what comes your way but you can control what you choose to do with it.  Hold on, be strong and SMILE! God gave you that right!!!



Old Boots, New Dirt!