Stay Humble…And Kind!

In every person’s life there will be trials and tribulations.  I personally believe the stronger you are the more you will have to face in your life.  I’m reminded of the places I’ve been and the people I’ve met who had a much harder start in life than me.  I asked myself, “if going through the hard times I’ve gone through has given me the opportunity to help save one life, was it worth going through the hardships I’ve endured”?  I believe the answer to this question is absolutely yes!  No matter how hard the things I’ve been through are, the other people’s lives that I touched upon and the light of hope they told me I shined in their lives, I believe all was part of a bigger plan.  If someone else were picked for the job, no offense, I’m not sure how many could have held on and kept believing.  I’m not saying I’m special or some kind of perfect, I just believe God knew he gave the job to the right person.  Why, you may ask?  Because I was prepared by the experiences in my life to handle the next challenge.  I believe each and every place I’ve been led to go or happened to land, that there was a bigger purpose than just myself.

I wouldn’t go through what I’ve been through for a million dollars, but I wouldn’t change it for a million either.  Yes, it was hard, yes it hurt, and still hurts when I let it.  I believe the people who aren’t afraid to speak the truth, knowing the consequences, who hang on when the storm looks like it will never end, are rare and the world needs us even more.  It’s easy to get off track and decide what we see is all there is.  I’ve had to get back on course many times and when I do I’m reminded of the Grace of God.  Today is a new day like a gift that 24 hours can bring.  Take on the challenge of the day, stay sweet, stay humble and kind.  There’s always someone else that has had a harder, longer road than yourself.

God Bless!


Stay Humble…And Kind!