
Just when you feel like giving up and you can’t see past the storm is when miracles seem to happen.  If you can keep believing in the toughest of times, when all hope is gone – just get around that corner and you will make it!  This week has been one of those weeks for me.  I’ve cried my tears, felt regret, and ultimately decided to continue to have faith.  As God always seems to do in my life, He brought me some great news just when I felt like things weren’t happening the way they should and nothing was working out right!  The favor of God is unmatched by anything I’ve ever seen.  It’s incredible how things in life can turn in a moments time just when all hope is lost.  This morning my mom read me parts the bible having to do with Abraham and the miracle God brought into his life.  I took what she read me and decided to focus on the things I can’t see and, well, just  believe…

It wasn’t more than a few hours later she called me with the good news!  From the experiences I’ve had in my life I’ve come to realize that we must look past our circumstances and believe even in the hardest of times.  It’s just when we think our ship is going to sink that we are lifted up out of our troubles if we choose to have faith and not give up.  It’s hard to see how things can come together and work out but that’s where it’s most important to believe in the impossible.  Sometimes the value of the lessons you learn along the way in the hardest of times is worth the struggle you have to make to get to the next place.  I know for me personally the lessons I’ve learned our priceless.  Is it hard to keep the faith, yes, but, days like today are the sweet days where I know my faith and belief are working.  I think we have to be put to the test sometimes through trials and tribulations to reach the place of peace that we pray for.  We ourselves don’t always understand why things happen the way they do but ultimately God does.  Trusting him no matter what the issues we are facing look like and never giving up is so important.  The forgiveness and chances I’ve had in my life, I don’t deserve but I’m so thankful for them.  God took me from a terrible place and brought me through!! I will continue to believe in the miracles ahead and trust him always! One choice at a time your life and mine can change.  Have faith!
God Bless



True to you

If you can trust no one else, the one person you should be able to trust is yourself. There’s something so rewarding about living up to your word to yourself.  I know that the minute you start letting yourself down and not listening to your heart, the disappointment that follows isn’t worth it.  For me, personally, the times in my life I followed the voices of others instead of listening to my heart and doing what was best for me, I sadly made mistakes that I will never be able to change.  Other people, as good as their intention might be for themselves, will never truly be able to make the decisions for you that ultimately you must make for yourself.  You are the only person who can determine what is best for your life.

I know when I allow myself to give the control to others to make my choices for me or trust them over what I feel is best for me, I’m left resentful and usually disappointed.  At least if my choice is wrong, I can find understanding of what I need to do differently or what I need to change; besides you can’t change what you don’t (or won’t) own.  Until you truly make the decision to control your own destiny and choices, you will never develop into the person you, or God, for that matter, wants you to be! Giving others the ability to control the outcome of your life isn’t fair to them or you. It may seem scary at first, but, in reality, it’s more scary to be out of control of your own pathway in life.  The beautiful part about making your own choices and following your heart is you can feel proud that you put yourself first.  I will mention again, William Shakespeare’s wonderful words, “to thine own self be true…and you cannot be false to any man”.

I can’t stress the importance of putting yourself first in life.  In order to make your life a full, happy life it’s important that you realize what you personally need or want out of your life.  It’s such an empowering feeling, being able to choose the path you take.  When you finally reach your goals and get to where you want to go you know you did it on your own – not following the crowd – but by your own will and choice.  What a great feeling it is to know your choices got you to the place you’re at and nobody but you got you there.  There is a sense of accomplishment that goes along with setting your life up the way you want it.   Of course, with that, there is also a sense of personal responsibility to make your choices wisely. So when you wake up and your heart is telling you the way to step, don’t allow anyone to pull you in another direction.  Take that step to set boundaries and value yourself enough to make sure you are doing what is best for you.  The world we live in has a way of taking as much as we will give.  It is up to you and me to say No and decide to put ourselves first.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put off the things I knew I should do for myself in order to please someone else.  Funny thing about this is I guarantee the person you are putting ahead of yourself, is putting themselves first or you wouldn’t be helping them.  One of the biggest issues I’ve had in my life is setting boundaries and learning to put my needs first.  It takes practice and time but, I believe I will be able to get there.  Each day is a new opportunity to make choices that are best suited for me and my life.

God Bless


True to you

Choose happiness

Everyday we wake up we have the opportunity to decide what we choose to think on and decide where our minds wander.  I am trying to start my day with my gratitude list and be thankful for each and every small thing – it’s easy to let the busyness of life keep you from remembering the things to be grateful for every day, but, let me tell you, when you stop remembering to be grateful for the good…well… it opens the door for a whole lot of bad!  We do have the ability to choose happiness even in the hardest of times.  Instead of dwelling on the things that make us unhappy we can choose to be happy no matter what it looks like.  That is ultimately a choice no matter how your day is going.  Decide to think on good things and focus on the things you have to be grateful for.

I know this; even when it looks like there is no way out or things seem the hardest, you can take each negative thought and turn them into a positive.  Start speaking what you want in your life and start deciding that you will have the best life ever.  Even if you have to start by saying “Thank you God, I have my eyes to see and my legs to walk.  I know it may sound silly but when you start filling yourself with the things you are grateful for it replaces the thoughts of lack and negativity.  Whatever things are pure and good, think on these things.  I am going to choose to have the best life ever and I know that life is ever changing – all it takes is one step at a time.  Each day you decide to take action and step in the right direction is one day closer to the goal.   For every action, good or bad, there is a reaction.  So, if you decide to step in the right direction in a good, healthy and positive way, you can expect the same results.  I am no longer going to expect to be unhappy.  I am going to choose each and everyday to begin with thanksgiving and hope.  Start believing for only the best in your life and start confessing this out loud.  Half the battle is the perspective in your mind – I know this to be true.

Start looking at all the great things in your life, the blessings, and start dreaming for the best life has to offer.  If you get the time, begin writing down the things you want in your life and all the things you are thankful for.  I also believe there is power in prayer and if nothing else will stop your mind from drifting into the negativity just start saying in your mind or out loud your wishes and thanksgiving.  Decide to see past the current position in your life, believe and trust there is so much more for you.  BELIEVE! I can’t stress enough how just the simple words “I believe!” can change your mindset.  I personally have been confessing throughout the day in my own mind, “I am going to have the best life God has for me.  I trust, I believe, I have the faith in the unknown and thank you God!” I have been pulled through the craziest of situations by literally believing in the impossible.  Today is just a day and it only takes one moment in time to completely change the direction of your life.  Start seeing past the impossible and deciding to only believe the best!  If your mind starts leading you off into the negative, be vigilant and stop yourself! You are what you decide to dwell on, good or bad.  Even if things aren’t going exactly the way you want them to go, trust through the trials and tribulations and remember it is in hard times that you become a stronger, wiser person.  God is good, trust Him and walk! Life will get better when you trust that it will.

God Bless

Choose happiness