STAND BY ME (For Heidi with Love)

*”When the Night has come, and the land is dark and the moon is the only light we’ll see, no I won’t be afraid, no I won’t be afraid, just as long as you stand, stand by me…”

Heidi’s Blog today is written by her partner & mom – Claudia MacPhee.

A few years ago, what seems like another lifetime now, Heidi bravely made her stand and we launched HOLD HEIDI’S HAND as she began her journey back to a whole and healthy life.  We discussed for many days and cried many tears as she determined what her mission in life might be after all the pain and heartache that had captivated her/our lives for a few years.

The Mission Statement on her website reads, in part, I’ve been through the battle of TBI, PTSD, and hard times.  My goal is to help bring light to these issues but also be there to support anyone who would like to grow with me as I continue to make my journey back to a healthy, whole life through the help of God holding my hand to my hand reaching out for yours.” 

True to that raw and real-world statement, Heidi began writing her entries here; day by day, good days, bad days and everything in between, to encourage others  not to be afraid to reclaim life stolen from them by illness, choices and circumstances often outside their control.  Also true to that statement, I am writing today to continue the mission to bring light to the very real battle that takes place for so many, first to overcome, but almost more importantly, to sustain the healing they’ve achieved! 

Today, Heidi struggles, once again, to come back from that inky black edge of darkness only those who suffer from these cruel issues can understand!  But, know this, she is still fighting to come back and fulfill her mission to be that trailblazer who helps others see  no matter how dark it seems, how many times you fall or how lost you feel, together, with God, we can walk this road to health and wholeness – you’re only a breath away from everything you hoped for, if you will dare to believe and NEVER QUIT!!

This time, through the help of God holding your hand will you reach out for Heidi’s and hold on tight?  This is, in it’s most amazing circle, the purest essence of the mission of HOLDHEIDISHAND.

God Bless!


*(Lyrics -Stand by me, Ben E. King, 1961)

STAND BY ME (For Heidi with Love)