Welcome Back, Heidi!

I’m thinking today of the fight and the courage it’s taken to continue to get up even when I feel like I can’t face another day.  It’s usually these days that happen right before the break through to those miracles that are just around the corner!  When you decide to hang on for one more moment, push on to one more step – just take that next step in the right direction..  When you take that step, it’s amazing how things seem to change almost immediately!  

I woke up this morning and walked up to the airport  and, with the cool rain on my face, I pushed on to each step with the courage in knowing I would get to the top  of the hill one step at a time.  Do I feel so lost sometimes?  Of course! Am I thankful for the fact that I’m alive and still on my way to a better life? Yes I am!! 

I want to send a special message to my Angel Kaitlyn Morgan to let her know mommy:) is working on many things and life is getting better by the day; so many great things to come and, no matter what, we are a team for life! I am here and I will always be.  You, my love, are the reason I wake up and the reason I push on each and every day to fight for the best life ever!  You are my angel and I never want you to forget that.  I love you up to the moon and back.    I thank God that I have such an amazing girl who is stronger than any kid I know  – you are my inspiration! My  Girl, I love you more every single day. You are beautiful in so many ways!  Don’t ever forget this.  Staying positive and believing no matter what it looks like is what we do – we push on and we stick together even when we are apart!

I thank God for another day to continue my journey to my best life!!

God Bless!


please visit us  at http://www.holdheidishand.com

Welcome Back, Heidi!

Standing in the Gap (For Heidi with Love)

By Claudia MacPhee

How many years must pass and how many times must hope turn to hurt in a battle that seems never-ending? What day is the day when the torment finally ends for someone who has struggled with the agonizing pain of all the different names their battle may have been named?  I have the answer to both of these questions.  How ever many it takes; and the day we stand? Well, regardless of how many times we’ve fallen, we stand that one more day!

You see, even though every time we get up and fall again, it hurts and confuses us (and those who love us) and we wonder why we just can’t seem to get it together.  Guilt, anger, shame all start having their way with our minds and we begin to question every single thing we ever believed in.

Now, it’s easy for those of us who are standing on the sidelines to smugly think we have all the answers and give our wonderfully condescending advise to those who are suffering… Dear God!  I wonder how many of us actually take the time to go to God, truly pray for love and understanding and consider what it must be like to live in the fear, loneliness and darkness that accompanies those who live in the shadow of the many misunderstood afflictions around us?    

Heidi’s walk continues and she is learning more everyday about the battle she’s fought and the recovery she needs to get to that “one more day”.  She is learning about acceptance and responsibility for the things that have haunted her these past years and is starting to understand more and more, whether the circumstances that led her here are her fault or not, she ultimately must take responsibility for her own well being if she is to fulfill her hopes and dreams for her life.  Of course, this principal is true for every one of us every day of our lives – we must choose our way and then walk it out! For me, it simply comes down to this, Sometimes we must believe past what someone can believe for themselves and STAND IN THE GAP for them until they can stand for themselves. Whether we know it or not, in every life, someone, somewhere stood for us and held on until we got to the other side of our torment!

The last key note for today: In the words of Winston Churchill “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never – in nothing great or small, large or petty – never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy!”

In the words of Heidi, “stay tuned!!”  we will continue to believe that one more day is on the horizon!  Please continue to stand in the gap for any and all who might need that extra hand today!

God Bless!!


visit us at http://www.holdheidishand.com


Standing in the Gap (For Heidi with Love)