God, Faith & Love

Today has been a revolutionary day in so many ways.  First, let me start by saying that I, not anyone else, had to finally decide I wanted more in my life and, yes, the answer was in my heart – GOD is the answer.  I am the only person who is going to decide to open the book, listen to the words and truly do my part by having faith and acting on it.  It’s been a hard few days and a blessed few days; It’s amazing how God works in life – I know this to be true as it’s been proven in my life many times – just when you’re ready to give up or you think life can’t get any worse – you’re lost and hopeless and then… the breakthrough!  What changed?  Well, first off I decided to make a choice to put God first again and have some faith; it’s amazing how, as soon as I truly made that decision, my entire perspective on life changed.  It amazes me how you can look at a situation and be so devastated by it and yet the very next day see things in a completely different light! That, I do believe, is the difference between having faith in the unknown and in the spiritual side of life and not just what it looks like in front of you.  There are no two people who see the exact same thing in any given situation.

So my advice is to LOOK UP! As my mom, best friend and editor in chief reminds me of almost daily.  Here’s the difference today as compared to even yesterday – TODAY I decided to have some FAITH, see the bright side of my life and choose a completely different “future picture” than I had even a day before.  I decided to CHOOSE LIFE! I am here to tell you not very long ago all I saw was regret, defeat and discouragement.  Today, even as I am typing this, I see a beautiful future, continuing to use my story (even as it’s unfolding) to help others and completing the plan that God set in my mind when I began this journey of HoldHeidisHand.com nearly 4 years ago.

Timing is everything, and I do believe everything can happen for a reason if we choose to learn from those things that happen.  My story is a pretty crazy, wild story but guess what? I lived it, and more importantly, lived THROUGH it.  If I can help someone not make the same mistakes  I’ve made and take a different way, well,  then it’s all worth it.  I’m here, I’m alive by the grace of God and I have a wonderful family and friends.  There’s so much more to come from me, my journey and many blessings that I can’t even see yet!

Here’s to the journey and all the great blessing to come!
God Bless


God, Faith & Love

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