The Game of Life

I’m working part time now and really enjoying my new job, however I had to get settled so I can make the time to continue doing my daily blogs and make it all work.

Last night I was laying in bed thinking about life and I started relating it to playing sports.  I realized that it truly is about believing and focusing on things just like when you try and make a basket in basketball.  You have to believe you will make the basket, aim, throw it and have faith!  That’s where I’m at in my life.  I’m doing the best I can, putting one foot in front of the other and trying to do better each and every day.  I’m believing for this year to be all that I expect and more.  I’m hoping to see my wonderful daughter more, get into great shape and just overall live a good life.

I’m so thankful for my family and friends and I truly will never take them for granted again.  It’s those small choices each and everyday that make up the canvas of our lives.  For me, personally, I know the things I can and cannot do if I want to continue having a good life.  It really is a choice and you can have a good life if you put your mind too it.  Choose to think about the things you are grateful for, choose to smile over the little miracles you see.  Decide no matter what you will choose joy!

I just really am so thankful for my life; getting on track and continuing to stay on track. It seems like it should be easy to do, once we know those things that hurt us, but, fear, depression and hopelessness are terrible masters!   Yes, I’ve made mistakes in the past and there’s things I cannot change.  However, it’s those things and those places that motivate me to continue on the good path and never look back! I’m building my best life one day at a time.  Last night I really began to see where I want my life to go and started putting my list in my mind of all the things I hope to achieve and have in my life.  I look forward to being here for my daughter’s High School years and watching her grow into the beautiful young lady she’s becoming.  I am believing for us to be closer than ever and have the future we’ve both been dreaming of.

So, as we play this game of life, make sure you realize the steps you are taking today will determine the outcome for tomorrow, good or bad.  I’m a perfect example of playing the game the right and wrong way.  I look forward to playing the game with integrity, honesty and humbleness and having the best win ever!

God Bless


The Game of Life

Having Faith

Having faith in things when the outcome is unknown can be very difficult.  It’s hard to believe in the things we may not understand and we cannot see.  I know for me personally it’s a choice I have to consciously make and set my mind too.  We must trust that God ultimately is watching over us and knows exactly what we need to live the best life ever.  I do think that half the battle is finding the strength to truly believe and trust in God.

That is why I believe in saying your prayers, making it known what the desires of your heart are, and then trusting and believing for those things to manifest in your life.  A big part of this is following your heart and when those thoughts come to mind and you get what you believe is direction, it’s important to act.  That’s the difference;  having NOW faith instead of someday faith!

I do understand that sometimes it’s hard to believe in things you cannot see.  I have to remind myself of all the blessings and miracles that have happened prior in my life.  It’s those moments when you just so happen to get the last ticket, or you have a delay that saved your life, not getting something that you may have wanted but getting better than you dreamed.  It’s filling yourself full of gratitude and remembering where you came from so you never go back.

Today, I challenge you to believe and trust in something bigger than this world.  Trust in God and have faith that all of your desires of your heart will be met.  I, too, am going to challenge myself to focus on Gods unwavering love for me.  No matter what it looks like in the physical world, I’m going to believe in the spiritual world that my angels are out working on my behalf to bring the best life I could ever ask for to me.

I am grateful today for all of God’s mercy and grace, for his wisdom and unconditional love.  I am grateful for my family and friends and those who have stuck by my side through the ups and downs.  I’m grateful for another opportunity to be a better person and shine for someone who might need a little extra light in their life.

Keep shining bright!

God Bless


Having Faith

Unspoken Love

Today I received the most beautiful Mothers Day card from my daughter and it made my day!  As I read her note in the card, I got to hear the words I’ve been longing and hoping  to hear, that unspoken love between a mother and a daughter you can’t explain.  These are the moments when you realize the things that you thought were never noticed were cherished all along.  Sometimes we just need to hear, “I will never stop loving you” but it’s believing when you don’t hear those words and knowing that the unconditional love is there no matter what.

I am so grateful for my daughter being a brave and amazing girl.  I love her with all my heart and I couldn’t be prouder of her.  She is such an inspiration and a happy sweet person.  She has a heart of gold and I couldn’t ask for more.

Today I’m focused on my family and the bond we have between us.  I’m focusing on how grateful I am for each and every one them.  I’m thankful for the unconditional love they give me and the fact they’ve believed in me and never gave up hope.  I’m grateful for second chances (and third and fourth:) and the fact that I had another opportunity today to wake up and keep going.

I thank God for carrying me out of the hard times and bringing me back near my dear angel Kaitlyn.  I believe, as she said, in the future and all the great memories we will soon be making.  I couldn’t be more grateful in this moment today.  I can’t say that I am sad, but there is a sense of tears for the joy I feel.  The last few months have been pretty hard, but there’s a sense of peace now that everything is going to be ok.

Each day we are given the opportunity to rise again to the challenges that we might face and overcome the obstacles that come our way.  I pray for the wisdom to continue to do well and continue to grow and learn each and everyday – to be the best person I can be and make sure I’m taking care of myself along the way.

Have a blessed and amazing day!

Unspoken Love

My take away Tuesday..

For this week I decided to focus my take away Tuesday on growth, not perfection.  Sometimes It’s easy to try and look at ourselves expecting perfection when really as long as we are moving forward in a better direction then we’ve been moving, that’s a success in itself.  I know it’s easy to look at ourselves and decide somehow we aren’t enough or we are falling short in some way, shape or form.  We set too high of expectations striving for perfection which ultimately is too much.  I think it’s important to set realistic goals and give ourselves a pat on the back when we are making progress.

I’ve set some personal goals for myself and I believe each day I’m closer and closer to attaining them.  Am I exactly where I want to be?  The answer is no.  As one of my favorite sayings goes, I’m not where I want to be but I’m not where I used to be; I’m ok and I’m on my way!  Again focusing on forward progress.

Ultimately, I believe the right opportunities will present themselves as we go along and focus on positive growth and seek those right opportunities.  It gives me hope when I keep the faith that there’s something out there that is specifically for me just waiting for me to get to that spot.  It’s hard to see the end goal sometimes especially when maybe we are having hard times and haven’t gotten where we think we need to be in our life.

For my take away Tuesday I’m going to put it out there to God and the universe that I will keep on going and give each day the best effort I can.  I’m going to continue to strive to reach my goals and continue to believe that the best life ever is on its way.  One step, one moment at a time I will reach my goals and succeed as long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I vow to keep striving and keep changing my thoughts to focus on gratitude and positive things; to be thankful for the journey on the road to the best life ever!  I’m trusting in God and I’m not looking back.  I believe everything that’s meant to be is on it’s way and there is no more living in regret.  It’s time to kick fear in the butt and not let anything hold me back from living in the abundance God has for me!

Cheers to this weeks goals and success!

God Bless


My take away Tuesday..

Controlling your thoughts

Yesterday I allowed myself to get into kind of a funk.  I allowed myself to feel down and focused on things that were bothering me, the things that I was afraid of, and past mistakes.  I let myself get into a very bad place mentally.

Today I woke up and I was determined to have a great day!  I decided to let the things in the past go, forgive myself and stop focusing on them.  I chose to have a good day and combat all those negative things I focused on yesterday.  I chose to practice what I preach and control my thoughts.  Its amazing how much better my day was today then yesterday!

It’s important that we take control of our thoughts and the minute our minds start going to bad places we put something else in to counteract our negative thinking.  That’s where I believe gratitude comes into play.  I started thinking of all the things I have to be grateful for, from small things to big things.  I decided to seek out positive material to read and also read one of my favorite books – “Jesus is calling”.  I began focusing on the good things and not the bad.

It really is a simple shift in your perspective as well.  When you change your perspective and start being grateful for the place you are in your life, and the journey you’re on, instead of dwelling on the current situation, you will be amazed at how you’re feel inside changes.  It’s important to focus on things that bring joy to you and positive feelings.  I know for me personally, yesterday I was stuck in a rut and allowed myself to stay stuck there until it nearly ruined my entire day!

I learned a valuable lesson when I shifted my thoughts and feelings and chose to have a great day instead! As opposed to focusing on all the things that I had to be stressed about and past mistakes, etc.

One thing I know for sure is you can’t turn back time and the past is over.  It’s time to create a good healthy positive future by seeking it out and attracting it to you by making good and right decisions and focusing on all the things you have to be thankful for.  Today I’m thankful for a better day and expecting tomorrow to be even better!  I believe the right things will fall into place and my prayers for a great future are coming.  I’m not going to allow myself to get back into a funk and I’m going to choose to see my days filled with joy and gratitude.

Cheers to new days!
God Bless


Controlling your thoughts

Fear is a Liar

Throughout the last few years I’ve spoken on this topic a lot because I believe Fear is the root of many issues and is the opposite of faith.  It’s important to kick fear out of our lives by not allowing it to take root in our hearts.

The last few days I’ve really had to work hard at combating the fears that have been trying to present themselves to me.  I have to deliberatly “stand up” to the fears that have been trying to get into my thoughts and replace those thoughts with positive things. Gratitude, for one, is a good way to combat the fears that try to arise.  I begin by thinking of the reasons I have to be grateful for – each and every little thing.  For my eyes to see, for my legs to walk, for my beautiful healthy daughter.  Fear is nothing but a liar, a thief that is only trying to get in a destroy your progress!

Sometimes I start what I call “future tripping” and worrying about things that are too far away to be concerned with.  In the Bible it talks about sufficient is the day.  It also talks about how worrying does nothing to add one minute to your life.  Fear and worry only steal your peace and set you back.  For me, personally, I enjoy thinking on the verses I know that bring peace and joy to my heart.  Its hard sometimes in this world to not worry about the future and not be afraid.  However as I just said, fear and worry do nothing to help you they only inhibit you from greater things.  What you think about is what becomes your reality.   It’s important to have faith in good things and not allow those seeds of fear take root.

Another thing is, we must fill ourselves with good things when we decide to cut fear out of our lives.  We must replace those areas of time we once spent on worry and begin to replace them with positive thoughts, positive things, and gratitude as I suggested.  Reading positive things, watching positive things on television, study positive quotes, whatever it is that brings joy to you, DO IT!

So much of our time can be spent worrying and being fearful which ultimately brings stress and unwanted chaos.  I know, if I begin to let those thoughts control me and get under my skin I physically begin to feel ill.

Today, I’m going to remember that fear is nothing but a liar! I will not allow fear to rule my life anymore and I will do whatever it takes to combat it.   I have faith in God that he will show me the way for my future and take care of me along the way.  The beautiful thing about life is it’s ever changing and good things come along the way.  Whatever my future is supposed to hold, as long as I put in the effort to do well, it will come to pass.  I’m going to trust my faith in God, follow that with my actions in doing the right things and living a good life.   The things I need to do in the future I believe, if I listen to my heart, God will show me exactly what to do and put those things in my path.

Choosing to surround myself with good healthy people is another step I will take to stay on the right course.  For me, this is so vitally important!  Being around negative people that bring you down, not lift you up, is never a good thing.  I am going to work hard at finding what works for me and what doesn’t and letting the things that don’t work go.

Take control of your life and remember you are worth it!

God Bless


Fear is a Liar

Following your heart

The past week I’ve been learning things about myself, my limitations and understanding who I truly am.  I’m figuring out what works for me and what doesn’t.  Sometimes we have to make those hard calls to make sure we are putting ourselves first.  Not everyone will agree with doing what’s best for yourself when you finally make that decision.  Me, being the people pleasing person I am (which I am working on this daily) I find I am often talked into things or easily manipulated.  Some people, even with good intentions, can talk you into things that really are not a good fit for you.

I’m really trying to listen to my heart and make decisions on what’s best for my needs moving forward.  The problem is when you try to do something that isn’t a good fit for you, you often are left with resentment directed toward yourself, knowing you should stand up and say something.  It’s hard to be the “bad guy” and let others know how you feel. Today, I am struggling with this and digging deep to find the courage I need to make some choices.  The choices,  in retrospect, are very simple choices and I  know what my heart is telling me to do.  The issue I have is I try to never hurt other people’s feelings or let people down.  The truth is you can never make everyone happy and be happy yourself, no matter how hard you try!  People will take as much as we are willing to give.  That’s what I always used to say, takers need givers,  and givers need takers.  If you find yourself in a situation where this is not a two way street you can be assured you’re being taken advantage of.

So moving forward into the days to come, I am going to make a conscious effort to stand up for myself and do what’s best for me.  When I look back at my life and the situations I’ve encountered where I was in a bad position, I can assure you most of them were times I could have decided to say NO and do what was truly best for me but didn’t.  Now I’m not saying be selfish and self centered, but what I am saying is we each must do what’s best for ourselves if we are going to actually do the best for others! 

I’m learning each day to try and do better then I did the day before.  To find what works for me and make my own recipe.  To take the good and the bad and sift through it, putting what’s best for me first and not taking things personal.  It’s a good idea to sit back take all the pieces offered to complete the puzzle called life into consideration but ultimately make your own decision how you build your own puzzle!! I’m deciding to really work on not being so sensitive and taking things with a grain if salt.  I”m also learning to not try to be so strong that I don’t give myself time to heal and reflect.  It’s ok to cry and it’s ok to look in the mirror sometimes.  Make sure you’re valuing yourself enough to take a good and honest look and remember to always do what’s best for you and your heart.

God Bless





Following your heart


May 7th  is…


…the beginning…

Here on Hold Heidi’s Hand we decided it was time to get a few people involved with telling US about the things they’ve learned; today, last week or last year! We have added a special page that today is blank because we’re waiting for you to call or write to comment! 

For those who don’t know it, the comments that come to “Heidi’s Blog” by adding it to the end of the day’s blog comment box goes to a different place than the contacts and e-mails on contact page – we don’t care which contact or comment page you use, we just want to hear from you!!  If you want to check out all the new stuff we are adding to the website, you must go to

The idea is every Tuesday we will start  featuring all the comments and good vibes we get that might help someone else who’s going through a hard time or just something you might want to share.. Life is pretty tough sometimes, but it’s also a precious journey worth sharing!!

Because we’re just not always that savvy about “all things website” and this really is a GRASSROOTS effort, HOW to make this feature as fun, easy to use and interactive as we want it to be is still a work in progress!

Also, any other thoughts, ideas and helpful hints you might have are welcome as we seek daily to grow this little seed into a great big, beautiful garden of Friends!


“To Thine Own Self Be True” William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare said it best with this quote, one of my favorites throughout my life!  I believe the meaning of this can be applied to all different areas of our lives.  For me personally the most important part of being true to ones self is honoring the promises I make to myself and staying true to myself and my own wishes.

For instance, we all know ourselves better than we know anyone.  Our likes, dislikes, what works for us personally etc.  So that being said, when we know something works for us we need to make sure to be true to our needs.  Sometimes we all our faced with people trying to tell us to do things their way when in our hearts we know what works for us personally. So instead of giving in and trying to please someone we need to value ourselves enough to say, “no, I”m sorry, I know what works for me and that is why I”m going to stick with what I know.”

I can’t tell you how many times I”ve been cooersed into doing something that I knew wasn’t right for me.  In the end I end up resenting the fact that I didn’t just do what I knew was best for me.  If you have a true friendship and the person truly cares about you, they will respect the fact that you have to do what’s best for you!

The other part of this is honoring your promises to yourself.  The one person you should never lie to is yourself.  If you can’t even trust yourself, how can you expect to trust anyone.  Following through with the promises to yourself is so important to living a good life.

As you begin being true to yourself you will find a sense of peace that follows.  You will begin to take better care of yourself and value yourself more.  I know for me personally when I begin to value myself and take care of me, everthing else seems to fall into place.  I feel a sense of well being and happiness that carries on into other areas of my life.  Knowing that I”m doing the things I need to do for me helps me be at peace as well without all that resentment baggage and regret.

I’m sure most people can relate with being talked into things that we knew in our hearts wasn’t right for us.  So as I go along each day I’m begining to realize what does or doesn’t work for me and noting them throughout the day.  I’m learning to value my own oppinion and honoring my own needs and wants.  Being a people pleaser for most of my life has been a very difficult job.  It’s cost me having many regrets and being resentful of myself.

Moving forward I’m going to continue to listen to that little voice in my heart that let’s me know what is best for me.  It’s amazing when we follow our intuition and are true to ourselves how much greater life can be.

God Bless


“To Thine Own Self Be True” William Shakespeare

Patience, Tolerance & Compassion

Today I decided to write about these three things because they are so important in living a good life.  For me personally I have to truly embrace my days knowing that I am the way I am, and I’m the only one who can truly understand the way I feel.  So when I talk about these three things, patience, tolerance and compassion, I’m speaking about both sides of the story.  Not only others having these things towards me, but me having the understanding, as well, for them not being able to understand me.  I’m working each and every day to improve my reactions and response to how I’ve allowed others to affect the way I feel.

After I was injured I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I am aware that this is a very common diagnosis and some people believe it’s used in many situations as an excuse.  For me, personally, I know the effects of it and it really can be totally debilitating.  The most frustrating part of having a brain injury is that it’s a wound others cannot see.  That being said, it’s hard for others to be compassionate when they are not aware of what happened.  So this has left me in a very hard spot because some things, like my body reacting physically to situations, I used to believe I had no control over.  This is where I have to set boundaries and as the years have passed I’ve learned and am still learning my limitations.  For instance, I get very overwhelmed in crowded places, loud noises, too much mental stimulation in general, not enough rest; all of these are factors to how I’m going to feel during the day.  Because of my PTSD I’ve had seizures, my thoat has swelled shut and I couldn’t breathe – anxiety attacks etc.

Now, lets get to the positive side of things because, even though I was a victim of an attack, I refuse to be defined as a victim!  Just because it happened to me doesn’t mean it’s who I am or anything close to that!  I feel this topic needed to be brought up so other people, myself included, can make sure to check themselves when we’re lacking compassion for others due to a lack of understanding.  By the way, most things we get frustrated with that has to do with other people is usually because we don’t understand what they may be going through.  A women once told me, “walk gently in other people’s lives because you cannot know or understand what they may be going through…”

Today my goal to be a better person is to be more patient with others and not allow myself to get my feelings hurt or upset because I feel misunderstood.  I’m going to work at not letting little things get to me, I’m going to work on making sure I get the rest I need and not feel guilty because I take the time to heal myself fully.  I”m going to project healthy, happy thoughts and focus on those things!  I’m going to be patient, more compassionate to those who lack understanding, and I’m going to truly make this a new start to a new day (each and every day) seeing only good things to come!  I’m going to believe for more time with my beautiful daughter, Kaitlyn, and only see the happy times were going to share together.  Each and every time my mind begins to tell me anything negative I’m going to replace those thoughts with good ones.

It’s almost a full-time job to reinvent your old thinking habits.  And, like I said the last few days, I’ve dug the hole and created bad habits of allowing my mind to go there, – NO MORE!  I am consciously counteracting my thoughts each and every time those negatives things want to creep back in.  For instance, feeling sorry for myself because I’m offended.  It’s a choice how I choose to respond.

So today let’s all try to be more aware of others and how they may feel.  Take the time to smile and say have a good day to a stranger.  Start being grateful for each and every blessing you can think of.  We are all in this beautiful world together, we might as well try to bless others with being a light to them!

God Bless


Patience, Tolerance & Compassion