Controlling your thoughts

Yesterday I allowed myself to get into kind of a funk.  I allowed myself to feel down and focused on things that were bothering me, the things that I was afraid of, and past mistakes.  I let myself get into a very bad place mentally.

Today I woke up and I was determined to have a great day!  I decided to let the things in the past go, forgive myself and stop focusing on them.  I chose to have a good day and combat all those negative things I focused on yesterday.  I chose to practice what I preach and control my thoughts.  Its amazing how much better my day was today then yesterday!

It’s important that we take control of our thoughts and the minute our minds start going to bad places we put something else in to counteract our negative thinking.  That’s where I believe gratitude comes into play.  I started thinking of all the things I have to be grateful for, from small things to big things.  I decided to seek out positive material to read and also read one of my favorite books – “Jesus is calling”.  I began focusing on the good things and not the bad.

It really is a simple shift in your perspective as well.  When you change your perspective and start being grateful for the place you are in your life, and the journey you’re on, instead of dwelling on the current situation, you will be amazed at how you’re feel inside changes.  It’s important to focus on things that bring joy to you and positive feelings.  I know for me personally, yesterday I was stuck in a rut and allowed myself to stay stuck there until it nearly ruined my entire day!

I learned a valuable lesson when I shifted my thoughts and feelings and chose to have a great day instead! As opposed to focusing on all the things that I had to be stressed about and past mistakes, etc.

One thing I know for sure is you can’t turn back time and the past is over.  It’s time to create a good healthy positive future by seeking it out and attracting it to you by making good and right decisions and focusing on all the things you have to be thankful for.  Today I’m thankful for a better day and expecting tomorrow to be even better!  I believe the right things will fall into place and my prayers for a great future are coming.  I’m not going to allow myself to get back into a funk and I’m going to choose to see my days filled with joy and gratitude.

Cheers to new days!
God Bless


Controlling your thoughts

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