My take away Tuesday..

For this week I decided to focus my take away Tuesday on growth, not perfection.  Sometimes It’s easy to try and look at ourselves expecting perfection when really as long as we are moving forward in a better direction then we’ve been moving, that’s a success in itself.  I know it’s easy to look at ourselves and decide somehow we aren’t enough or we are falling short in some way, shape or form.  We set too high of expectations striving for perfection which ultimately is too much.  I think it’s important to set realistic goals and give ourselves a pat on the back when we are making progress.

I’ve set some personal goals for myself and I believe each day I’m closer and closer to attaining them.  Am I exactly where I want to be?  The answer is no.  As one of my favorite sayings goes, I’m not where I want to be but I’m not where I used to be; I’m ok and I’m on my way!  Again focusing on forward progress.

Ultimately, I believe the right opportunities will present themselves as we go along and focus on positive growth and seek those right opportunities.  It gives me hope when I keep the faith that there’s something out there that is specifically for me just waiting for me to get to that spot.  It’s hard to see the end goal sometimes especially when maybe we are having hard times and haven’t gotten where we think we need to be in our life.

For my take away Tuesday I’m going to put it out there to God and the universe that I will keep on going and give each day the best effort I can.  I’m going to continue to strive to reach my goals and continue to believe that the best life ever is on its way.  One step, one moment at a time I will reach my goals and succeed as long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I vow to keep striving and keep changing my thoughts to focus on gratitude and positive things; to be thankful for the journey on the road to the best life ever!  I’m trusting in God and I’m not looking back.  I believe everything that’s meant to be is on it’s way and there is no more living in regret.  It’s time to kick fear in the butt and not let anything hold me back from living in the abundance God has for me!

Cheers to this weeks goals and success!

God Bless


My take away Tuesday..

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