Having Faith

Having faith in things when the outcome is unknown can be very difficult.  It’s hard to believe in the things we may not understand and we cannot see.  I know for me personally it’s a choice I have to consciously make and set my mind too.  We must trust that God ultimately is watching over us and knows exactly what we need to live the best life ever.  I do think that half the battle is finding the strength to truly believe and trust in God.

That is why I believe in saying your prayers, making it known what the desires of your heart are, and then trusting and believing for those things to manifest in your life.  A big part of this is following your heart and when those thoughts come to mind and you get what you believe is direction, it’s important to act.  That’s the difference;  having NOW faith instead of someday faith!

I do understand that sometimes it’s hard to believe in things you cannot see.  I have to remind myself of all the blessings and miracles that have happened prior in my life.  It’s those moments when you just so happen to get the last ticket, or you have a delay that saved your life, not getting something that you may have wanted but getting better than you dreamed.  It’s filling yourself full of gratitude and remembering where you came from so you never go back.

Today, I challenge you to believe and trust in something bigger than this world.  Trust in God and have faith that all of your desires of your heart will be met.  I, too, am going to challenge myself to focus on Gods unwavering love for me.  No matter what it looks like in the physical world, I’m going to believe in the spiritual world that my angels are out working on my behalf to bring the best life I could ever ask for to me.

I am grateful today for all of God’s mercy and grace, for his wisdom and unconditional love.  I am grateful for my family and friends and those who have stuck by my side through the ups and downs.  I’m grateful for another opportunity to be a better person and shine for someone who might need a little extra light in their life.

Keep shining bright!

God Bless


Having Faith

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