This beautiful thing called life!

Today I’m realizing, yet again, that we truly decide our happiness.  There is always going to be that person that tries to mess up our peace of mind.  The one thing I have to remind myself of is that I have the control of how I’m going to react to whatever situation presents itself.  As long as I know I’m doing everything in my power to do things right, live a good healthy life with integrity, make good decisions, etc., I know as it says in the bible, “Having done all I stand”.  Once you have done everything possible to rectify the situation whatever it may be, we must give it to God and let him handle it.  Yes, I know – trust me – that that is one of the most difficult things to do.  However, I also know from past experiences it seems to somehow work out in the end.

When it comes to things that are truly the most important things in your life, sometimes  it’s very hard to trust that God’s got it.  I have to work on this today and know that, no matter what, I’ve done all I can do.  I have to believe that everything will work out in Gods time – not mine.  We don’t always understand the entirety of all situations because there is always another perspective.   So today I’m thanking God for where my life is, believing for the best things to continue to come into my life and situations of the day to work themselves out!

I am thankful for my beautiful daughter and my family and friends.  I’m grateful for this beautiful thing called life and the happiness I’ve recently found.

God Bless


This beautiful thing called life!

Feeling Good

I’ve decided that feeling good in your life really is a choice!  When we wake up we have the opportunity to choose to look at the bright side of life instead of the bad.  I personally make it a point when I open my eyes to begin to recite in my mind and sometimes out loud, all the reasons I have to be grateful.  The moment my mind starts trying to feel bad or guilty or travel into a bad place, I immediatly say no way!  I’m safe, I have a roof over my head, my family loves me etc.

The beautiful thing about life is, it’s ever changing.  We can’t see all the great things to come and how in one moment things can be totally different.  A few months ago I was praying to find a job that I liked and what happened next was pretty cool – my mom says to me, “you watch you will have a job in one day.”  Well, she was exactly right, I put it out there, got a call and got hired on the spot!  That’s my point, we truly have to trust that God is working on our behalf to give us everything we are praying for.  It takes us deciding to trust in him and walk it out.

I’m not saying everything in your life is always going to be perfect.  What I am saying is that it really does come down to perspective.  When you finally decide to look at all the things you have to be happy and thankful about, it fills those gaps of unhappiness.  Sure, we all have things that could be different, better etc.  Sometimes it’s those times we have to wait or we have trials that make the moments things do work out so much sweeter!

Today I am so grateful to be in Colorado, to have an amazing family who loves and believes in me.  To have a beautiful healthy daughter that loves to paint and do fun healthy things.  I’m grateful for what’s to come because I believe in my heart God knows exactly what I need to have a full beautiful life.

I would challenge you to turn your focus today, and the days to come, on all the things you have to be thankful for.  Its amazing how shifting your mindset from dwelling on the bad things to gratitude for all the small things really does make you feel happy! Happiness is a choice and it’s possible for everyone.  There was a time I couldn’t tell you what it felt like to be happy.  I was so consumed in what wasn’t going right and what I didn’t have, that I couldn’t see past it.  Now, like I said, from the moment I open my eyes I make it a conscience effort to start my gratitude list until I feel happy and blessed.

Cheers to happy healthy lives for all!
God Bless


Feeling Good

Surrender to Happiness

There’s that feeling we get when we reach our goals and achieve the things we’ve set out to achieve and, for a moment, we get so happy and excited.  The thing is though, when you’ve been struggling for so long to reach your goals (and have had a heck of a time getting there) it’s almost like you don’t know what to do when things finally are ok.  For me personally, I have decided that I absolutely must surrender to the idea of being happy and decide it’s ok just being ok.  What I mean by that is understanding that it’s ok not to always have a struggle or an obstacle to fight through.  Truly, sometimes we get so used to having to fight so hard we almost don’t know what to do when we finally find that happiness we were seaching for.

Hence, the title of todays blog; it’s time to surrender – all the time we spend trying to look a certain way or be a certain way, there comes a time when you finally just need to look in the mirror and decide “I’m happy with who I am!” I have to say what a great place to be in your life when you can accept yourself for who you are and love yourself just as you are!  I know that I have recently gotten to a place where I’ve decided to be happy in the skin I’m in.  That doesn’t mean I don’t have goals to better myself each day, but what it does mean is I’m done beating myself up all the time!  It’s a conscience effort to decide to forgive myself for the mistakes I’ve made, humble myself for the place I’m at in my life, choose happiness instead of regret, see beauty when I look in the mirror instead of every single flaw I can find.  It really is a choice just like everything else.

I have found that by accepting myself the way I am and deciding to be happy with where I’m at, I actually started looking and feeling better.  Happiness is attractive!  Have you ever noticed someone that isn’t the most “good-looking” person, maybe not the skinniest person, but somehow they have a way of lighting up a room with their happiness and it makes them totally beautiful?  I absolutely love that!  That’s the way I want to be.  I want my positive, happy energy and happy attitude to shine.  I can tell you this, the most attractive person physically can be a very ugly person depending on their attitude.

So, when it seems life is good and we are in those moments when we don’t exactly know how to feel, it’s ok to be happy!   Accept it and roll with it!  If you need to set a few goals to better yourself in some way – do it!  But why not enjoy the ride to getting there by loving yourself the whole way? You will begin to notice, as I have, when you feel better and take better care of yourself – because you are happy with who you are – the goals you have set out to achieve, like losing weight for instance, will just start happening!  Why?  Because when you love yourself and are happy with who you are, you start treating yourself better.  You start enjoying eating good foods because you respect yourself enough to do so.  You start taking better care of yourself and it reflects in your daily countenance.

My prayer for all of us is, no matter what shape or size we are, or how we look,  we can look in the mirror and love who we are!  That, instead of constantly beating ourselves up and stressing out over every little flaw, we can see all the beautiful blessings we have to offer!  That, when there’s nothing to stress or worry about,  we can smile and be thankful for that!  It’s a very sad thing to waste time not enjoying who and what we are and then looking back ten years later, wishing we would have just been able to see what everyone else saw in us.  My challenge to myself and you is to decide you are going to be happy no matter what!  To decide it’s time to fully live life in the skin you’re in and be proud of it.

Cheers to happiness!
God Bless


Surrender to Happiness