God Works In So Many Beautiful Ways!

Today, yet again, I am reminded of the power of faith and Gods presence in my life.  It’s amazing to me how things in my life unfold in such a way that I personally can’t deny my faith in God.  I met a beautiful couple named Joe & Kim Garza who are a wonderful couple from Las Vegas who have inspired me and given me great advice over the last few days.   Joe’s related the story of his personal hardships, losing his child and many other horrible experiences all at the same time; he told me he still remained the happy, kind person he is today because of his faith in God.   It really made me think about the difference in truly trusting in God and having real honest faith.  One of my biggest fears in life would be to lose a child and Joe told me of course he was sad but, because of his faith in God, he could remain the smiling, happy, kind person I see today throughout all of these hardships hitting him at the same time!

I believe God leads people into your life at certain moments to deliver a message, help you along the way and for many reasons.   Thing about it is, you must pay attention!  For me personally I find messages in ironic circumstances.  For instance, I’m thinking of someone and all of the sudden I come across one of their favorite items at work.  Some might say that’s just coinsidence and that’s fine, but either way you can see all things as a miracle, as Albert Einstein said, or nothing as a miracle.  I personally choose to believe in the latter!

So, no matter who you choose to have faith in – whether it’s God or you call it the universe, I see no harm in taking in the little blessings and moments that remind us of a friend, a brother, whatever it may be – to me it’s a little treat from God saying you’re on the right path keep up the good work!!  Or, hey, maybe you should give this person a call?

I promise you if you choose to look around, whatever you want to say it is, whether fate or coincidence, slow down a tad and take time to appreciate all the wonderfull little blessing around you – I promise you will, if nothing else, give yourself a moment to take in the little things.  No matter what your current circumstance there’s always something to be happy about!

God Bless!

God Works In So Many Beautiful Ways!

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