Pray Not Proud

In the world we live in today it’s easy to find ourselves in a place where we want to protect and cling tightly to our family, friends and even things in our life.  Trust me, I get it! The unfortunate part about doing this is you begin to live in fear.  I understand taking the correct precautions to live a safe and healthy life.  For instance, growing up, my dad, being a State Patrolman and cop, gave me the “what for” on walking in lighted areas, not walking down dark alley ways, etc.

My dad spent eight hours teaching me how to shoot a gun properly as he was a rifle instructor for the Wyoming Highway Patrol.  This being said, I don’t walk around with a gun on my hip.  Although I do believe there is a time and place for everything.  Some people do need to carry a gun on their hip depending on the situation.  My point is this –  There are a lot of things going on in this world we can’t control.  We can lock our doors, keep our homes as safe as possible, and protect our families and friends as best we can, but for me, most importantly, I PRAY and trust in God!  I’ve seen many situations turn out good by the Grace of God only.  I, myself, family members of mine and friends have lived through things that should have taken their life.  I do believe in the power of prayer and my faith in God first and foremost.

So as I walk through this week I’ve decided to kick fear in the butt! I choose to believe in good things, have faith in people, even those that I might not agree with and pray for them.  I do dream of a perfect world with everyone getting along, hand in hand, helping one another!  Call me a dreamer, all I can do is do my part to make a difference!

Keep the Faith!
God Bless

Pray Not Proud

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