Silent Cries

Today,  I’m compelled to talk about something very close to my heart and the main reason five years ago I started writing this blog. Just to catch you up if you haven’t read my about page I was in VA, had just gotten out of the Hospital after a two month stay, on a medication called Depakote. Depakote is an anti-seizure medication and it also treats Bi-Polar. I, having had seizures and going through my own bout with psychiatric diagnosis, etc. did what they told me to do, put in the work and got out and did well. (Mind you, I have been tested on several different medications since my head injury and this was one of many I’ve tried. This time I was there for quite a while and this is what a team of doctors decided what  was best and… I headed out again with success on my mind. Shortly after I was released, I was lying in bed one night and I had this thought! Hold Heidi’s Hand – A place I could help others through my own trials and tribulations by putting my own real time situation out there! we could help each other! I have said this from day one I do believe God put it into my heart that this is what I needed to do!

With that being said, It occurred to me last night that when people say “ask God or go to God” I feel like there’s one thing they are missing. GOD works through people! I believe this with my whole heart! I believe in prayer and I believe it works! We are all united and I really hope that people will start understanding, If you choose to believe in whatever you want to believe in that’s ok with me. But there is one thing you can be sure of LOVE, reaching out a helping hand, listening when someone says they are not ok. Asking them how can I help you? Deciding that for part of your day, let’s say 10 minutes you can do something kind for someone else. Not because they believe what you believe or who you believe in but because it’s the right thing to do!

I can’t tell you how important this is for those struggling with mental illness (which I believe most of us are in some way shape or form!:), important for someone who just needs a hand up, someone who just lost a friend or family member. Can we all try something that would be really awesome decide to stop over analyzing things ourselves included and just be thankful we have air to breath! I promise you for yourself you will feel so much better and others will feel better and we can stop bad situations happen before they start!

I truly have lived through things most should never live through and I am forever grateful. Some my own fault some not, which isn’t the point ever! I lived! I believe people who are hurting on the inside act out with other things because they want to be heard, they want to feel loved and we all do right!

Instead of waiting till it’s too late to give someone a hug or give them a call, why not start reaching out now! It’s simple, put your phones down and open your eyes;). There is light at the end of every tunnel, sometimes you just have to create it!

God Bless!


Silent Cries